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The benefits of fish for health, weight loss and hair - The benefits of fish for the diet

weight loss and hair loss

Experts advise eating fish because of the many benefits it contains for health, diet, weight loss, and hair. Learn about the most important benefits of fish.

Fish is rich in nutrients that are beneficial to the body, which makes it one of the best foods to maintain human health as it is rich in proteins, vitamins, nutritional minerals, and fatty acids that the body needs, and fish contains low calories, so it is recommended to eat fish twice a week.

 To get all the benefits of fish for health, diet, slimming, and hair. 

Humans can benefit from eating fish.

  • Fish improves brain development and strengthens neurons.
  • Fish works to provide omega-3, nutritional minerals useful for the development of the nerves of the fetus, and essential fatty acids, which is why it is beneficial for the health of the pregnant woman and the fetus.
  • Eating fish has an effective role in reducing depression as well as protecting against Alzheimer's disease, which is why it is recommended to eat fish at least once a week.
  • Fish contributes to improving heart health and protecting against heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • It prevents blood clots and lowers bad cholesterol in the blood.
  • It protects against the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
  • It works to fight infections, especially arthritis.
  • It improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • It relieves rheumatoid inflammation and helps relieve psoriasis and immune diseases.
  • It protects against the risks of cancerous diseases, especially gastrointestinal cancer, prostate cancer, and ovarian cancer.
  • It protects against asthma and helps prevent diabetes.
  • Sardines contain a large proportion of phosphorous, and this stimulates memory.
  • Fish helps maintain bone health because fish contains a huge proportion of calcium and phosphorous.
  • It protects fish from rheumatism.
  • Fish meat is useful in promoting brain health because it contains a large proportion of vitamin B, vitamin D, and iodine.

The advantages of fish for hair

  1. It helps to strengthen hair follicles because fish contain a large proportion of useful nutritional minerals, which in turn help in thickening and prolonging hair.
  2. It also contributes to the treatment of hair loss problems.
  3. It gives the hair health, vitality, and luster.

Dietary and weight-loss benefits of fish

  • Fish oil is of great importance in stimulating blood circulation in the body and helps to burn fat and get rid of excess fluids in the body, which is why it is recommended to eat salmon twice a week.
  • Fish contains a low percentage of fat, making it one of the best foods useful in reducing weight.
  • It is recommended to eat fish grilled and include it in the diet to lose weight and lose excess weight.
  • Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which stimulate fat burning and weight loss.

How to make fish with vegetables for your diet


  • 2 tilapia fish.
  • fish fillet.
  • Potato
  • Tomato fruit
  • Carrot fruit
  • horn of hot peppers
  • Onion fruit
  • lemon cut into slices.
  • Cumin as desired.
  • Salt, to taste.
  • A little lemon juice
  • Minced garlic

How to prepare

  1. The seasoning is made by mixing together the salt, cumin, minced garlic, and lemon juice and stirring well.
  2. Put the fish with the marinade in a bowl, and season it well.
  3. Cut the vegetables into slices and put them on a tray greased with a little olive oil.
  4. Put the fish on the vegetables, and on the face, put lemon slices.
  5. Put the tray in the oven for about half an hour, until fully cooked.
  6. The tray is removed from the oven, and the fish with vegetables is served with brown bread and with contentment and healing.

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