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How do I keep my love? Ways to Keep Your Relationship Strong

How to Keep My Love

By following the following ways, one can maintain a happy relationship with a lover and stick to the love that brings them together and strengthens them:

Good communication

Good communication with him plays an important role in consolidating relationships and supporting their continuation, provided that communication is regular and at a specific time and does not disturb or harass the beloved. In addition to avoiding and rushing into the relationship exaggeratedly to preserve the beloved, good communication with him Through the following manifestations: 


Attention expresses the great feelings of love that a person has for his beloved by making him one of his priorities, and not neglecting him or the misconception that his inner feeling of love is sufficient to maintain the relationship, and always sitting with him and sharing the talk and discussion away from the technological elements that distract focus, such as tampering on the phone while sitting with him, in addition to giving him enough time and asking what is going on around him, and about the things that bother him, and helping him as much as possible and meeting his needs and desires.

Visual communication

Visual communication supports the good relationship between the two lovers, and it is done by looking at the eyes of the beloved carefully and focusing on them without using words. It is one of the methods of communication that has a significant impact on the feelings of love between them.

Respect and appreciation

Respect and appreciation maintain the quality of the relationship and the luminous flame of love between the two lovers by showing one's gratitude for the presence of their partner in their lives, thanking him and telling him because of his love for him, and expressing respect, appreciation, and the special position that the beloved enjoys within him and his frankness with it. 

Acknowledgment of error

To ensure the continuity of the relationship and avoid being affected by those pitfalls, one must bear the consequences of his actions and have the courage to admit it without justifying or blaming the beloved, but instead, apologize to him, ask for forgiveness, and resort to his reconciliation; do not forget to forgive him and overlook his mistakes.

Trust and loyalty

  • The feelings of sincere love for the beloved can be shown and preserved by strengthening the bond of trust between them, deepening the principles of loyalty and sincerity, and avoiding mistakes that may undermine this trust. formalized paraphrase
  • Allowing the beloved some privacy and private space, respecting his desire to sit alone or with his friends, and not tampering with or violating his personal property or privacy without his permission, such as hacking electronic accounts, tampering with his phone, and spying on him.
  • Supporting and building trust between the two lovers and consolidating it through pledges of sincerity and loyalty, not violating covenants, and giving the beloved sufficient opportunities to gain the partner’s trust, dependence, and belief in him as long as his behavior is sound and he deserves that precious trust.
  • Negative traits such as cheating, lying, being honest and truthful should be avoided because they are positive qualities that develop relationships and support trust between lovers.
  • establishing and pre-agreeing to boundaries, with the obligation of both parties to adhere to them, to ensure that no disagreement undermines trust between them or threatens the relationship later. 

Show love and express feelings.

One’s love for one’s partner is not limited to being satisfied with those sincere feelings and keeping them in his depths, but rather it must be shown and constantly revealed and expressed in various ways and means based on one’s knowledge of the personality of his beloved, 

and using romance to grow this love with time and strengthen it. The beautiful emotions and feelings of the beloved can be expressed in the following ways:

Celebrate with the beloved, remembering the beautiful occasions and happy memories that they gathered and using them to express love and affection for him, such as his birthday or Valentine’s Day, for example.

Writing nice romantic messages to the lover and sending them to him when he performs tasks that annoy him, make him bored, and that he usually complains about to his partner, is to bring joy to his heart when his partner remembers him and raises his spirits.

Invite the beloved to dinner or to spend the evening with him and talk to him about the warm feelings of love that he has for him, being frank about them and expressing them spontaneously and honestly.

Surprises and gifts

  • Gifts express one's love for his partner and indicate his interest in him by trying to draw a smile on his face, bringing joy to his heart, and striving to consolidate the relationship with him by presenting distinctive things and his favorite gifts, such as roses, for example,
  • or surprising him by placing notes that bear phrases that express deep love and his feeling of good luck due to the presence of that love in his life, as these surprises, despite their simplicity, may leave a good impression on the soul and be a reason to satisfy the beloved and make him happy. 

How to strengthen the relationship between the two lovers:

Some tips support relationships and strengthen the bonds between loved ones, including the following: 

  • Breaking boredom and doing activities that change the routine of the two lovers and renew their relationship over time, such as taking a walk together, going to the cinema, meeting new places, and others,
  • One's honesty with himself and the awareness of both partners about the requirements and manner of the relationship, thus avoiding irrational expectations and imaginary perceptions of the partner, which may cause him frustration and disappointment later.
  • Seeking to manage conflicts and disputes and resolve them calmly and in balance, and close the gaps that may occur due to these problems, to ensure the rule of cordiality and compatibility between the two lovers.
  • Learn and share the activities and hobbies your partner likes. to strengthen the bond of friendship between them, increase affection, and express interest in him. 
  • Respecting the family, relatives, and friends of the other party and dealing with them politely and decently to satisfy him and make him happy.
  • Respect his desires and feelings and avoid causing harm to them.

Preserve the beloved.

  • Some loved ones fear the factor of a long time that some emotional relationships take, while others consider it a reason to enhance feelings of love and the growth and consolidation of strong passion, 
  • as maintaining affection and intimacy between the two lovers requires them to realize the importance of that relationship, take responsibility for it, and thus strive to correct its course and make it stable. 
  • And balanced, and we do not forget the importance of understanding and respecting each other for each other and the need to support and help the beloved, always stick to him, and share a happy life with him in harmony and harmony.

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