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How to increase muscle mass - increase muscle mass

 How can you gain muscle fast?

How to inflate the muscles: the muscles are augmented by stressing them with exercise until they are destroyed, and after disposal, they are fed with protein to rebuild themselves. Similar exercises are not arbitrary, but organized for each muscle group in the body, with a certain number of repetitions.

The muscle amplification method

Focus on the non-resistive movement during the exercise.

The movement of the handle can be divided into two passes. The first part is a positive movement, and the alternate part is a negative movement. To clarify, when making the coffin press (English bench press), going up to the top is the positive part, but going down along this casket is the negative part.

Many bodybuilders do not care about this part of the movement, and this may be one of the reasons why their body growth stabilizes at some point, as the passive kinetic part of the exercise is a large part of what causes muscle growth. That is, the maximum benefit of the exercise occurs when the bar descends towards the coffin.

Varieties of exercise factors

  • A common problem among bodybuilders is the stability of muscle size at a certain size after an indefinite period, and then no matter how much exercise and continuous exercises they do, their bodies will remain at this stage because the body adapts to the same effort and the same factors. Therefore, it is always better to change your training regimen after two to four months.
  • Another factor that affects the continued benefit of the body is the increase in weights used in the exercise, and the increase must be gradual to avoid injury and allow the body to adapt to this increase, so it is better to "increase weight by" a small amount per week from one exercise to the next while maintaining the number of repetitions of each exercise.

Not being affected by the bodies of others

You should know that it is really rare to go to weight training clubs and not find people with huge and beautiful bodies, in addition to being able to carry really heavyweights. He worked hard to get there, because comparing a beginner's body to that of a professional player is dangerous, and doing so will not only frustrate the novice but will also force him to lift very heavyweights, which his body cannot do. bear, resulting in serious injury, including an endless hernia or severe muscle tear. The novice player just has to challenge himself and work every week to be better than he was last week.

You should exercise the muscle twice a week at least.

One of the effects of slowing down body hypertrophy is exercising each muscle only once in the previous week, where you can follow programs that allow muscles to be worked twice at the same intensity (or more per week), and simply put, An illustration of similar timelines

  1. Chest muscles, triceps (in English, triceps), and shoulder muscles (alternately, on the fifth day).
  2. Leg muscle exercises (days 3 and 6)
  3. Back and biceps exercises (English biceps) (1st and 4th day).

This program, by way of illustration, exercises a muscle twice a week with the opportunity for each muscle to take a break, because the period of rebuilding large muscles (such as the chest, back, and legs) is about three days, while small muscles (such as arms and shoulders) go from day to day for two days.

Lifting heavyweights

Lifting weights with a repetitive movement so that the muscles to be inflated work to lift that weight, and the repetition of these movements results in permanent muscle strain and destruction, which is the description of strength exercises. Establishing a daily exercise schedule so that each muscle in the body has one day a week dedicated to its exercise leads to orderly and relatively rapid hypertrophy of the muscles in the body.

Pain after exercise

Feeling muscle pain during or after exercise does not mean that the exercise is done in the wrong way, but on the negative side, it means that the exercise destroys the muscle as required. After waking up the next day,

Eat an acceptable amount of protein daily.

Since protein is the primary source of food for rebuilding muscles after destruction, and if the body is not satisfied with its protein needs for muscle rebuilding, it will stop having an erection and the muscles will remain fatigued and destroyed, which leads to the possibility of this happening. to weaken this muscle and achieve undesirable results. Bodybuilders always prefer to eat large amounts of protein-containing foods and also use synthetic protein to cover the opportunities that cannot be covered by eating alone. (ten)

Get enough rest.

  • Despite the importance of food, without which it is not possible to rebuild muscles, rest is more important than food. Since this is the most significant factor in rebuilding muscles, you must get a full night's rest on the days when you are not exercising; it works to rebuild muscle cells quickly.
  • It is significant to note that rest is also necessary during the exercise itself, so it is recommended to take a break between 30 seconds and 60 seconds between rounds of the exercise itself, and 90 seconds to 3 flashes between exercises, bearing in mind that the muscles are not cold due to procrastination at rest, as indifference. This leads to a decrease in muscle performance and an increased risk of injury (especially a muscle tear).

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